Friday, 9 March 2007

March 9th 2007

The peas,beans and sweet peas that we planted on the 27th February are all showing now! My mini daffs look lovley!!!My mum had time off work so she was able to go to the allotment and do some digging!Our compost bin has blown away and we can't find it.=-(

My mum has put some chipbark where the paths are!

Now we know where to walk and where not to!


Lesley Jay said...

This is a great blog Rebecca. Well done!!!

MrsKP said...

Hi Rebecca. Isn't it so exciting when seedlings start to poke through?
I've discovered that my mini daffs are dotted around various pots and I wish I'd kept them all together ! Good luck with all your new babies and keep up the good work on your great blog.